Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Not much longer..

The countdown has begun! Only 12 more days until my science unit begins! As I begin this process, I would like to thank Mrs. Lane for allowing me to be with her this semester. It has truly been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I would also like to thank each and every one of my twenty 4th graders! I plan to make this unit extremely fun, rewarding, and engaging.

Miss. Teague


  1. I can't wait until you start teaching!I am very sure it will be a lot of fun! Thank you for setting this up!

  2. Thankyou for being such a nice and very funny student teacher. You help everyone with there problems and you know how to make us smile. You help mrs.lane with her hard work you help us with hard things. I can't wait till you teach us science I heard you are going to do some fun activites oh and i love the fish they ar so cute

  3. I really like this blog. It is fun to feed the fish. I cant wait till you start teaaching!

  4. Thank you so much Miss Teague for putting a blog on here too!!!!! I'm so so so so happy that you did this for us!! :)

  5. Dear Miss Teague, I am so exited for sience. You are so nice! Last year we learned about food webs, food chains, phisical and behaveral adaptions, producers, mimicry, camouflage, conivores, omnivores, herbivores, and lots annd lots more. I can't wait for you to be my sience teacher!


  6. I can't wiat until you are teaching you will be a good teacher.

  7. bye we really miss you excusably Byron.
