Saturday, November 12, 2011

Food Chains

Today we learned about producers, consumers, and decomposers. We also learned about food chains!

 Let's review what we learned by checking out this link below:
After you've looked at the link above, play this game fun game!

1) Give an example of a producer, consumer, and decomposer in the picture above!


  1. Dear Miss Teague, some examples of a producer, consumer, and decomposer are, grass as the producer, a mouse as the consumer, and mushrooms as the decomposer. I am loving you as a science teacher and I can't wait to see you and Mrs. Lane on Monday.

  2. Miss.Teague, an exampl of a producer, consumer, and a decoposer is grass as the producer, the mouse as the consumer, and the mushroom as the decompoer. Miss.Teague, I really like you as my sience teacher.It is so fun.

  3. The grass is a producer,the mouse is a consumer and the mushrooms are decomposers. :)

  4. I loved the game.I only made three mistakes.I learned that there are millions of food chains.

  5. The grass is the producer,which makes it's food from the energy in the sun, a consumer would be the hawk,and the decomposer the mushrooms.
