Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Food Webs-Day 2

Today we explored food webs further. 
Our stations allowed you to create a diagram of a food web
Above is one of the groups diagram! Very good job if you were apart of this group.

Please look at the post below and continue to work with food webs. Also, it would be beneficial to you if you started studying for our Unit test on Friday. 
There will be a CELEBRATION and REVIEW on Friday so get excited!


  1. I can not wait for the test and celebration on friday!

  2. I cannot wait to play jeopardy! I hope I do well on the test. I bet whatever you make will be tasty!!!!!

  3. Dear Miss Teague, I can't wait to play the Jeopardy game, I hope that everyone learns something they didn't know, or something they did know but they needed refreshing on it. I can't wait for the prize at lunch!!!!

  4. Lets PARTY tommrow!

  5. @anm That is super funny!
