What is one thing you have learned about that you didn't already know?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Food Chains

Today we learned about producers, consumers, and decomposers. We also learned about food chains!

 Let's review what we learned by checking out this link below:
After you've looked at the link above, play this game fun game!

1) Give an example of a producer, consumer, and decomposer in the picture above!


  1. Dear Miss Teague, some examples of a producer, consumer, and decomposer are, grass as the producer, a mouse as the consumer, and mushrooms as the decomposer. I am loving you as a science teacher and I can't wait to see you and Mrs. Lane on Monday.

  2. Miss.Teague, an exampl of a producer, consumer, and a decoposer is grass as the producer, the mouse as the consumer, and the mushroom as the decompoer. Miss.Teague, I really like you as my sience teacher.It is so fun.

  3. The grass is a producer,the mouse is a consumer and the mushrooms are decomposers. :)

  4. I loved the game.I only made three mistakes.I learned that there are millions of food chains.

  5. The grass is the producer,which makes it's food from the energy in the sun, a consumer would be the hawk,and the decomposer the mushrooms.
