Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Today we learned all about habitats. A habitat is an animal's "home". An animal or plant's habitat provides food, water, shelter, and space for them to survive. Remember that many habitats can be in an ecosystem, BUT there is NOT many ecosystems within a habitat. 

Please visit the link below. Read through the site then click on the Ecosystems link to review more concepts taught.   

After you have finished reading both links, you can play the Habitat game found to the right of this post -------> in "HELPFUL WEBSITES"! 

Answer the following question:

Give an example of an animal that you would find in the desert. Why is this animal able to live there? Then, give an example of an animal that you would NOT find in the desert. Why is the desert not the most suitable habitat for this animal?

Happy Learning!


  1. Dear Miss Teague, one example of an animal that lives in a desert is a hamster. They live happily in the desert area as long as there are few plants and seeds for it to eat. Hamsters do not need a lot of water and they also dig tunnels to stay cool from the blistering sun and that is how they can survive there. If I went to the desert I would not find polar bear because it is way to hot and they could not find the right kind of food they need, such as seals, fish, whales and lots of other animals that you would not find in the desert. The desert is not the most suitable habitat because it is way to hot for most animals and there is not a lot of water.

  2. Cacti can survive in the desert because it does not need very much water and has spikes so no animal that shouldn't get the water does not get it. A penguin can't survive in the desert because it does not have any fish to eat.

  3. Cacti can survive in the desert because it can store water in their bodies and it has thorns to help it survive so it won't eat it or something and a penguin cannot survive in the desert because it is very hot and dry.
