Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ecosystem, Community, and Population

Today we learned about ecosystem, community, and population. Below are pictures of the terrarium I created as well as a drawing one of the groups created. Please answer one of the questions below after you read through this post. Make sure you write the number of the question you answer in your post. Review, Review, Review!!!

REMEMBER: an ecosystem-includes all the living and non-living things and their interactions (pond), a community- is the living part of the ecosystem (grass,dragonfly,fish, turtle,mosquito,rushes), and a population- is one type of a living organism within a community (same type of mosquito) 

1) What is the difference between community and population?
2) Can you give an example that we talked about today for community and population?
3) Can you think of a different ecosystem and list the community in it? Can you list a specific population?


  1. A community has only living things and an ecosystem has living and non-living things in it.

  2. The differnce between a community and a population is that a community are the living things in an ecosystem. A population is how much of one organisim there is in a ecosystem.

  3. The difference between a population and a community is a population is one type of animal next a community is a habitat.Like a croc. for example it has a large population all over the world!A example for a communty is swamp were a croc. lives.The ocean is a good ecosystem it has many habitats like a coral reef and a sea enemane.A population that lives here are clown fish and sharks many differint kinds!
