Monday, November 7, 2011

Living/Non-Living Things!

Today we learned about living and non-living things. Living things can breathe, grow, change, reproduce, and move. Non-living things cannot do any of these things because they are not ALIVE. See picture below for more information about living and non-living things.

Please answer one of the following questions: Be sure to put the number of the question you answer!

1) What are some examples of living things?
2) What are some examples of non-living things?
3) Do living and non-living things have interactions? Can a living thing be dependent on a non-living thing?
 4) Plants ___________ their own food. Animals cannot do this; however, they __________ their food. 


  1. 4. Plants make their own food. Animals consume their food.
    3. I don't really know what interaction means here, but I know that a living thing can depend on a non-living thing, like humans and air.
    1. Also some examples of living things are my mom, my cat, plants, and the stink bugs in our house.
    2. Some examples of non-living things are rocks, air, water, and ipods.

    Sorry Miss. Teague that my answers are out of order!

  2. I now that every one in our class is a living thing. I now that the books and pens in our class are not living things.
