Thursday, November 17, 2011

Jeopardy Review Game



Today we began learning about niches. A niche is an animal's role or job within the community. We talked about how each organism within a community has only ONE job. Take a look at the website below and then complete the quiz afterwards. Your post should tell me what score you got! 

First this-- Niche Practice 
Then this-- Niche Quiz 


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Food Webs-Day 2

Today we explored food webs further. 
Our stations allowed you to create a diagram of a food web
Above is one of the groups diagram! Very good job if you were apart of this group.

Please look at the post below and continue to work with food webs. Also, it would be beneficial to you if you started studying for our Unit test on Friday. 
There will be a CELEBRATION and REVIEW on Friday so get excited!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Food webs

Today we learned about food webs! Food webs are interrelated chains in ecosystems. What is the difference between a food chain and food web?
Name the producers and consumers in this food web.
Give one example of a herbivore and carnivore. 

Practice working with food webs by following this link below:

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Food Chains

Today we learned about producers, consumers, and decomposers. We also learned about food chains!

 Let's review what we learned by checking out this link below:
After you've looked at the link above, play this game fun game!

1) Give an example of a producer, consumer, and decomposer in the picture above!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Habitats-Day 2

Today we were CREATIVE. Way to use your "higher thinking level skills" to CREATE songs about particular animals and the habitats they live in. Check out the picture of our precious owls! <----

Check out the post below and keep working with habitats!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Today we learned all about habitats. A habitat is an animal's "home". An animal or plant's habitat provides food, water, shelter, and space for them to survive. Remember that many habitats can be in an ecosystem, BUT there is NOT many ecosystems within a habitat. 

Please visit the link below. Read through the site then click on the Ecosystems link to review more concepts taught.   

After you have finished reading both links, you can play the Habitat game found to the right of this post -------> in "HELPFUL WEBSITES"! 

Answer the following question:

Give an example of an animal that you would find in the desert. Why is this animal able to live there? Then, give an example of an animal that you would NOT find in the desert. Why is the desert not the most suitable habitat for this animal?

Happy Learning!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ecosystem, Community, and Population

Today we learned about ecosystem, community, and population. Below are pictures of the terrarium I created as well as a drawing one of the groups created. Please answer one of the questions below after you read through this post. Make sure you write the number of the question you answer in your post. Review, Review, Review!!!

REMEMBER: an ecosystem-includes all the living and non-living things and their interactions (pond), a community- is the living part of the ecosystem (grass,dragonfly,fish, turtle,mosquito,rushes), and a population- is one type of a living organism within a community (same type of mosquito) 

1) What is the difference between community and population?
2) Can you give an example that we talked about today for community and population?
3) Can you think of a different ecosystem and list the community in it? Can you list a specific population?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Living/Non-Living Things!

Today we learned about living and non-living things. Living things can breathe, grow, change, reproduce, and move. Non-living things cannot do any of these things because they are not ALIVE. See picture below for more information about living and non-living things.

Please answer one of the following questions: Be sure to put the number of the question you answer!

1) What are some examples of living things?
2) What are some examples of non-living things?
3) Do living and non-living things have interactions? Can a living thing be dependent on a non-living thing?
 4) Plants ___________ their own food. Animals cannot do this; however, they __________ their food. 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Isn't blogging cool?


Mrs. Lane and I have spent a lot of time creating these blogs for you. Make sure your comments are appropriate to post. Creativity is a great thing, but make sure you are correctly answering the questions! Isn't learning fun? 

Make sure you are keeping up with both blogs! Mrs. Lane's blog can be found by clicking this link -->

Herbivore, Carnivore, Omnivore, and Decomposer

Please look at the images below. Each image will help you learn about herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, and decomposers! After you have read each image, click on the link and play the game! Once you have completed both steps, comment on two things you have learned! 

OK, CLICK THIS LINK --> What type of animal am I?

Answer 1 of the questions below!


What all can you tell me about this picture?  

List one food chain in this picture. 

Is the grass a producer in this food chain?

Name one consumer. Is this consumer a herbivore or carnivore?

Community and Populations

Hello Students! Quick question-

What is the difference between a community and a population? If you are not sure, make an educated guess!

Miss. Teague